Aya has lived and worked in Qatar for over 7 years. In that time, he has worked in a number of diverse projects. Prior to joining Resolution Films Qatar, he worked in Jakarta, Indonesia. His work has been displayed and screened at 3D art exhibitions and Festivals in Indonesia, Cyprus and Amsterdam. Also featured in Visual Arabia 2013 Design Yearbook. He Create and deliver motion graphics in various media. Work with creative teams to understand project scope and objectives.
Official Selection KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2012.
Official Screening Selection, 2nd Motion International Festival, Cyprus, 22, 23 & 24 March 2013 http://motionfestivalcyprus.com/screenings-2013/
Featured in Motion Graphics Served. https://www.behance.net/gallery/11438767/MY-H-EART-H-IS-DYING
Motion graphic indonesia exhibition with nirmana award https://www.facebook.com/Motionbydesign/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10151147443139278
Featured in Visual Arabia 2013 Design Yearbook https://issuu.com/visualarabia/docs/va2013_design_yearbook/127?e=0
Main tools: Cinema4D, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop